
Start your adventure by finding your dream stay


Coming home

Stay with Belgians around the world or at home and enjoy a lovely holiday with friendly reception in your own language.


Stay in one of 859 unique accommodations: Bed & Breakfast, holiday home, flat, castle, campsite, chambre d'hotes, gîte, ...


Find your stay now, check your choice based on more than 7202 reviews and read valuable feedback from other guests.

Price guarantee

Find your holiday destination through 'Vakantie bij Belgen', contact the owner directly and get the best price and service.

Tip van de maand

Tip van de maand

€ 133

Tip van de maand

€ 450

Tip van de maand

€ 45

Tip van de maand

€ 85

Meest recente verblijven

€ 122

€ 80

€ 60

Vakantie bij Belgen

maakt deel uit van de Somebay Group